Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm Going There!

I normally try really hard to not go political on my blogs. But I just have to get this off my chest!

There has been a lot of talk about the Muslim mosque proposed by ground zero. The fact is they do have the RIGHT to build their mosque anywhere they want. Everybody is calling for sensitivity from the Muslims. I think we should throw a little sensitivity their way too. Many Muslim Americans lost friends and family members in the 911 attacks also. A friend of mine was mad that Obama said that they had the right to build it. She said "I just wish he would stick up for the American people sometimes." Are Muslims not Americans?

When asked if he ever considered not building the mosque there, the Muslim leader said, "no, it wasn't MY religion that did this". I agree. Many KKK members burned crosses in people's yards and did terrible things in the name of Jesus Christ. So then, can one assume that all Christians are racist? Heck no!

I'm not saying it is the best PR move to build there, but if the want to do it, they can. I wish we as Americans spent less time being against so much and so many and just started being "for" each other.

OK, there is my shpeel. :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Big Girl

Mia is growing up so fast! I amazed every day at how smart she is! She LOVES to play outside and she LOVES Cowboy (our horse). He is her buddy. We filled up her baby pool but and put her in it, she was not too impressed. She is kind of a warm water snob. Her new favorite thing is to take your hand and lead you around the house where ever she wants to go. She is so cute when she starts to get sleepy, she becomes a little delirious. She runs around laughing and screaming. We have it on video and once I figure out how, I will upload it!

She talks all the time. It may not be words that anyone can understand but she is talking! She can say Mama, Dada, hot, and I did it. She can say please, eat, drink, more, and hot in sign language. She has many tricks. She shakes her booty all the time! Anytime music come on, that thing starts going. It is too cute. She knows where her tongue, ears, eyes, and nose are. She knows what a cow says. Just yesterday, Jaden taught her to rub her belly when you tell her to and put her hands on her ears when you say "ear muffs". Ok, enough bragging. Now, pics.

She is so happy when she is naked.

This was as far as she got in the pool

Little poser.

Chillin in her new chair and eating cheese

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I LOVE Mother's Day! Right now, Jaden is giving Mia a bath while I sit and play on the computer and watch 19 kids and counting (speaking of good mothers!). It is nice for Jaden to give her a bath while I have some "me time" but the truth is, I keep wanting to go in there to watch her play!

We are so blessed to have great moms and grandmothers who we are so close to and are close to Mia. I feel so blessed that Mia loves her grandmothers and great grandmothers so much! Thank you! Happy Mother's Day!

I feel like I get a Mother's Day gift everyday that I get to wake up to your sweet face. It is a pleasure and the joy of my life to be your Mommy. I feel honored that God thought enough of me that he would give me such a sweet and wonderful soul as yours. I hope you always know that I think of what is best for you in EVERY decision I make. You amaze me. I love you with all my heart.


Mia's baby dedication

Baby dedication

Mommy and Mia's new tennis shoes for Mother's Day

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Wow, Ok, so I have been on a huge blogging hiatus! The longer I went without blogging, the more and more daunting the task became! To be honest, I wasn't sure I would ever return to the blogging world. Mia is just so big and I really don't have that much time anymore. But today I was reading other people's blogs (which I do often)and I started reading some of my own old posts. I really think it is neat to be able to look back and read them! So I decided to start again. I thought that even if no one else reads the blog, I will! It is almost like a journal!

So much has happened I don't even know where to start. We have had lots of holidays since October! I was so strict on Mia's schedule but I remember on Christmas Day- she didn't get her afternoon nap (God forbid) and she lived! That is when I thought, "ok, I can probably chill out". Since then, I have still kept her on a schedule but it is not near as strict. Now, if she doesn't seem tired- she doesn't HAVE to take a nap. That was a big step for me!

Mia turned 1 and had such a great birthday! Our family and friends came to our house and she had so much fun. She dove right into her cake! It took a little convincing for me to just let her have a regular, non organic, sugar filled cake. But her dad was right, it is good for her sometimes. : )

She is walking now. She is still wobbly and still crawls when she wants to get somewhere fast. Her new thing is to take your finger and take you where ever she wants to go. It is so cute. Soon I think she will say, "come on!".

Everyday I look at my life and am amazed at how blessed I am. I have a great husband who is an amazing Dad. I get to stay home with my baby and even work some from home! I have everything I have ever wanted and never deserved! Thank you Jesus.

One year....sassy!

Loving that cake!
