Mia had her first Dr's appointment yesterday. It was just to weigh her and make sure she is gaining. They want babies to be up to their birth weight by 2 weeks. Well, Mia is a champ. She has already passed her birth weight. She weighs 8lbs and 10oz (almost a pound over her birth weight)! She is Mommy and Daddy's good little eater. She is already very social. She is awake alot more now and really likes being talked to. Wow, we just love her so much! Here are some more pics. Mia is ready for the Easter bunny!
On a side note: I realize my last post had some grammatical errors. Sorry if it was hard to understand. I am sleep deprived.
The sleep deprivation is totally understandable...Mia is getting so big already! She's adorable. I hope she has a happy first Easter--looks like she is ready :) How is your kitty doing with the new attention getter? Hug both of your precious ones for me!!!
Thanks! Callie is doing ok. She was freaked out at first but now she is doing good. She still doesn't want to come really close to Mia. One of us holds Mia and one of us holds Callie. You are one of the few people who really care about Callie. Thanks! Everybody said that I would feel differently about her when Mia came along, but I still love Callie just as much. I have enough love in my heart for both!
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