It is 10:00pm. So begins our all too often ritual of crying, screaming, pacing, bouncing, swaying, singing, rocking.... Nothing is pleasing this child, so I go to my fail-safe. The bathroom. I turn on the bath water and begin my patented bounce/sway motion. Mia begins to calm. I am holding her upright by my shoulder, the way she likes. She stops crying and leans back into my hand, her arms limp by her side. She stares at the ceiling. She is staring so intently. Her eyes don't move and for the first time in 45 mins, she is completely calm. What is she looking at? What is so interesting about the ceiling? Maybe it is the bright white color. Maybe it is the ugly popcorn. Or maybe, she is seeing something beyond the ceiling. Something that my eyes are to cynical, too worldly to see. Maybe she is seeing the angels that surround her. Maybe she is seeing her Jesus smiling down on her. Her blinks are getting longer and longer until she doesn't open her eyes again. Then she gives a sweet, half smile. As if to tell me and everyone else that I can't see, good night. With that smile all of my frustration, exhaustion, and self pity melts away. Lord, I pray that Mia will always have the innocence to see you. I pray that she will always be sensitive to your presence. I pray that she will be able to discern good spirits and that she will use all of your good gifts. Oh yeah, and I pray that she STAYS ASLEEP!
LOVED THIS POST!! When Saylor was that age Mas always told me that she was smiling at the angels when we she would look past us, to a blank spot on the wall and give a huge grin. She still does it on a rare occasion and I love the reminder of her beautiful innocence!!
I pray that Mia stayed asleep as well :)
this was a beautiful post, berks...i truely believe that kids see and perceive things we cannot. help her keep that innocence as long as possible--encourge those moments :)
What a sweet post, and special time for you guys!
Oh, if only we could ALL see beyond the ceiling as our sweet babies do! I'm so thankful the Lord reminds us to have faith like a child!!
BTW - if Ms. Mia does, indeed, have colic as I suspect you were alluding to, just know that it WILL pass!! I used to think Malachi could see something inside the dryer! haha
I cannot wait to see that blank innocent gaze in my baby boys eyes. A magical moment:)
I too pray that sweet Mia stayed asleep and that you are getting your rest.
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